Angel Sales ASI7700 Acu Slim Magnetic Earrings.(weight loss)

Weight loss,
Get the slim figure you¿ve always wanted with the Acu Slim magnetic earrings weight loss program! The Acu Slim magnetic earrings¿ rare earth magnets gently exert pressure on your earlobes to suppress your desire to eat. It combines modern medical techniques with acupressure to help you lose weight quickly, safely and effectively. Just wear the magnetic studs (in stylish gold or pearl) while following the simple program of nutrition and moderate exercise and watch the pounds melt away. Scientists at the University of Toronto thoroughly tested the Acu Slim program. In their clinical study, over 97% of Acu Slim wearers showed significant weight loss over a 9-week period, regardless of initial weight. By comparison, a group wearing ordinary ""placebo"" earrings had no significant weight loss¿ Acu Slim is proven to work! Don't be fooled by cheap imitations! Acu Slim uses 1500 Gauss magnets to stop food cravings. If you are finished with fad diets, join the thousands who have discovered a fashionable way to lose weight and keep it off with Acu Slim magnetic earrings
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