Weight loss,Wearing these bowleg diet slippers will help to twist bow legs back into place.You've cut down of food, exercised, and gotten weight loss massages, but
you just can't lose weight. Strain in the soles of your feet could be
the culprit...
Nejiri Impact will solve your problem. Wearing them around the house will twist, set, and bring your weight to your inner legs, beautifully slimming your lower body.
Twisting distortions back into place will give you beautiful, healthy, balanced legs. They have insoles with the triple function of twisting, setting, and bringing your weight to your inner legs. They have an incline of 10 degrees in order to support your natural leg line.
They are made of high quality velvet with an elegant ribbon, and look just like a stylish pair of room slippers.You can get beautiful legs while doing housework.
Designed by cosmetic Chiropractor, or "Beauty Balancologist," Dr. Hadano.
Get a beautiful pair of legs just by wearing them for short periods of time while doing housework.
Dr. Kenya Hadano, Cosmetic Chiropractic Salon, Apua Bella
Nejiri Impact
Shoes: Polyester, Synthetic Sole
Bag: Polyester
Color: Black
Adaptable Size:
Japanese Units: 22.5㎝-25.5㎝
US Units: 6.5-9.5
European Units: 37-41
Weight(one leg): About 2.7oz (77g)
Price: 69 USD
Country of Manufacture: China
Nejiri Impact will solve your problem. Wearing them around the house will twist, set, and bring your weight to your inner legs, beautifully slimming your lower body.
Twisting distortions back into place will give you beautiful, healthy, balanced legs. They have insoles with the triple function of twisting, setting, and bringing your weight to your inner legs. They have an incline of 10 degrees in order to support your natural leg line.
They are made of high quality velvet with an elegant ribbon, and look just like a stylish pair of room slippers.You can get beautiful legs while doing housework.
Designed by cosmetic Chiropractor, or "Beauty Balancologist," Dr. Hadano.
Get a beautiful pair of legs just by wearing them for short periods of time while doing housework.
Dr. Kenya Hadano, Cosmetic Chiropractic Salon, Apua Bella
Nejiri Impact
Shoes: Polyester, Synthetic Sole
Bag: Polyester
Color: Black
Adaptable Size:
Japanese Units: 22.5㎝-25.5㎝
US Units: 6.5-9.5
European Units: 37-41
Weight(one leg): About 2.7oz (77g)
Price: 69 USD
Country of Manufacture: China