Weight Loss : FAT BURNER , Lose Weight All Day Long! As seen on TV 60 tabs

Weight Loss,
Here's the deal, I'm taking time to tell EVERYONE here that this product DOES WORK. I used to live in California and back there I weighed 241 pounds. I've always been a large guy and have tried everything in the book. July 29th 2011 I moved to Arizona for a new life, job, etc. I live in an apartment complex that provides a 24 hour gym with basic lifting and cardio equipment. I began exercising there on August 3rd, every other day, up to 45 minutes consisting of a 20 minute run on an eliptical, 1 to 2 sets of ab crunches (35 at first was all I could do, then built up to a set of 100 then two sets of 100 with intervals between sets) and upper body lifting variations to tone out my arms and chest. BUT before I began this routine, a family member showed me these supplements (also found at a dollar store like some reviews mentioned) and while I was doing all of this I was taking two of these pills twice a day. August 30th I was finally hired and I weighed 200 pounds. 41 lbs. in about 3 weeks with this supplement, basic exercise, and just counting calories without giving up (entirely) on good food.

This product WILL ONLY WORK IF YOU STAY ACTIVE AND WATCH CARBS AND CALORIES!!!!! It's not meant to curb your appetite, it's meant to accelerate weight loss when paired with exercise and diet. So don't listen to the people (no offense) who clearly do nothing and take these expecting to not get the munchies and start dropping weight just by sitting around. And definitely don't listen to the people who review it with one star just because they couldn't find info on it.